It is the day before the last week of school and what am I doing? Making stuff for next year of course! NERD! (I know, I know) Anyway, our district gave our 4th grade students (as well as 7th and 9th) iPads for use in the classroom. While I am not a huge fan of the program, it has been very exciting for our students. (I am stuck in Mayberry, 1967 and would love to teach the old fashioned way! I barely know how to use the thing!) My team is super into this technology thing and they LOVE the iPads! They came up with this idea for a technology license, something the kids would keep with them as a reminder of the rules they agree to follow when using their iPads. I created this 2-sided license for our kids to use and wanted to share with anyone who also has iPads in their classroom. (I would be glad to change the wording to fit any sort of technology that a teacher has for their classroom, just leave a comment if you need that!) My plan is to take pictures of each child and layer that over the iPad clipart electronically, or use the little sticker pictures that come with their school picture sets. I haven't decided if I will actually type their name into a textbox or just print them all and write them in. I guess we'll see how I am feeling in the fall! I will paste the pics of each side of the license into a word doc, (I know, I already told you I'm old fashioned! I like word!) print in color, cut each out, then glue the front to the back and laminate. If you have any suggestions or need this license tweaked in any way, please just let me know! Enjoy! (As usual, the adorable clipart is courtesy of
Melonheadz enabler of my clipart addiction!)
Technology License (front)
Technology License (back)
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